"في عيدِ ميلادِك، تُقيمُ حَفْلةً مَعَ أُسْرَتِكَ، أوْ تَنامُ طَوالَ النَّهار. تَدْعو أصْحابَكَ إلى بَيْتِكَ، أوْ تَبْقى وَحيدًا لا تُحِبُّ الكَلام." كيف سيحتفلُ سامي اليومَ بعيد ميلادِه؟
Birthdays are celebrated differently in each culture and in each family. While some children wait impatiently to be showered with attention and gifts for their special day, others shy away from the limelight. Societal expectations sometimes pressure children to feel and behave a certain way for these occasions. This book allows children to acknowledge the different feelings they might have toward their birthday, and explores the many ways one can celebrate such a milestone. The author addresses the child directly, making them the focus of the book. Whether you like to party all day or sleep to your heart's content, eat cake or enjoy your favorite eggplant dish, dress up in your favorite costume or stay in your pajamas all day, all that matters is that you have grown a year and have another year ahead to grow and learn.
Age | 3-6 |
Author | Fatima Charaffeddine |
Cover | Paperback |
Published-year | 2017 |
Publisher | Dar AlSaqi |
Weight | 300 g |
Dimensions | 28 x 23 x 0.5 cm |