يَلْتَقي «وِسام» في الجامِعَة بـِ«مارِيّا»، الشّابَةِ غَريبَةِ الأطْوار ـ كَما وَصَفَها الطَّلَبَة ـ فَيَكْتَشِفُ أنَّها مُتَعَلِّقَةٌ بـِ«يوتْيوب» إلى حَدِّ الإدْمان. ما أدّى إلى انْزِوائِها وابْتِعادِ الطُّلّابِ مِنْها.
At the university, Wissam meets “Maria,” the eccentric young woman, as described by the students, and discovers that she is addicted to YouTube. Which led to her isolation and the alienation of students from her.
Age | 8-10 |
Cover | Paperback |
Weight | 94 g |
Dimensions | 21 x 14 x 2 cm |