ذَهَبَ الفيلُ «فَلْفول» مَعَ «جاد» و«نَدى» إلى المَدينَة. شاهَدَ أشْياءَ جَديدَةً وفَرِحَ كَثيرًا هُناك. ولَكِنَّ النّاسَ طَلَبوا إلَيْهِ العَوْدَةَ إلى الغابَةِ لِأنَّهُ لَمْ يَلْتَزِمْ بِالقَوانين. ماذا سَيَفْعَلُ «فَلْفول»؟”
“Falfoul”; the elephant goes with “Jad” and “Nada” to the city. He sees many new things. But the people are bothered by him, he is not following the rules. They ask him to return back to the forest! What will he do?
Age | 6-9 |
Author | Jinan Hashash |
Cover | Paperback |
Published-year | 2017 |
Publisher | Asala Publishers |
Weight | 68 g |
Dimensions | 28 x 20 x 2 cm |